7 billion … in pictures:
- Photo essays from The Atlantic, Boston Globe, National Geographic, and the Washington Post.
- In a colorful two-and-half-minute video, NPR tells the story of how we got “so big, so fast.”
- A podcast featuring Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of UNFPA, on family planning and the 7 billion milestone (published by the UK’s Department for International Development).
- An NPR segment about the most densely populated place in India.
- The National Geographic magazine is culminating a special year-long series on population, including an article, photo gallery, video, and game.
- What’s your number? Population Action International and the BBC have launched online campaigns showing you where you fit among the world’s 7 billion, using just your birthday.
- USAID Global Health’s “World at 7 Billion” project demonstrates how a single person in a world of 7 billion can make a difference in his or her community. (Features a story on our very own Esther Nyokabi of Kenya!)
- UNFPA’s 7 Billion Actions campaign shares stories and films on how individuals and organizations around the world are bringing about positive change.
- Check out the conversation on #7billion in Twittersphere as well as EngenderHealth’s #CountTo7B project on key population factoids and statistics.
- In an Oct. 21 essay on CNN.com, Jeffrey Sachs says technology and stabilization of the population are the answers to this question: How can we enjoy “sustainable development” on a very crowded planet?
- Helen Epstein discusses the role of religion in contraceptive use for Ghanaian communities in her Oct. 22 New York Times article, Talking Their Way Out of a Population Crisis.
- On Oct. 24, the Guardian UK underscores the role of education in increasing opportunities for women and girls and, ultimately, slowing population growth in places like Tanzania.
- Bloomberg offered its own round up of the voices on 7 billion in an Oct. 31 article.
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